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Karaoke available in DownTown Cabo San Lucas

Rarely does one find a better experience that a good sing along with your nearest, dearest (plus a few randoms you just met at a bar of course. That's why we are very extremely proud to announce that Karaoke is now available in downtown Cabo San Lucas at the San Patricio Irish Pub.

Mexican and Irish drinking cultures are built off the back of a good sing song. Whether is a deep meaningful rendition for your favourite go to or just joining in on the fun with some forgotten classics there isn't much that can cleanse and rejuvenate your soul in such a fashion.

We have four microphones as well as our resident MC Elmer Homero so if your feeling like you want to stretch the lungs and get your Karaoke on in Cabo San Lucas then just swing on by or if you wanna go full gringo then you can make a reservation.

Also, since you have made it this far here is a nice authentic Karaoke sing song session in an Irish Pub in Ireland.

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